
Everyday Multiverse

A soundwork from 2009 based on two monologues presented by artificial voices about the state of the multiverse. The text below is the two monologues in written form divided according to the soundwork:

"It is hypothetically true that all of reality consist of a set of multiple possible universes, which also includes our own. This reality is called the multiverse. All structures within the multiverse, which means from the multiverse itself down to the nature of each universe and the relationships between these, are based on the specific multiverse hypothesis considered.

I'm running through a snow-covered forest in the night. Even if I'm naked I don’t feel the cold and I never run out of breath. The light from the moon makes the snow sparkle and the only sounds is my fast breathing, the feet moving through the snow and the wind against my ears. I'm running over a small stream and up on a hill. On the way I startle a hare that runs out in the stream. I chase after it, I catch it and then I bite it. There is a taste of blood in my mouth.

Modal realism is one hypothetical philosophical position about the multiverse that states that possible worlds are a way of explaining probability. Its philosophers, such as David Lewis, believe that all possible worlds exist, and are just as real as the actual world.

In the 48 dimension there exist a group of creatures called hubbalites. When they reveal themselves in our world they are manifested as humanoid, two dimensional dinosaur skeletons that fold in and out of our perception. They treat me a typical hubbalistic candy. It’s a square shaped six-legged spider, with two legs each on three sides and eyes and mouth on the fourth. To my horror it's still alive and the hubbalites explain that it’s supposed to tickle you in the throat on the way down. A physical feeling is for them an exotic pleasure.

The human perception of the multiverse is therefore limited by the aspect of imagination and the language we have for describing it. Consider this then: if the limit of our perception of the multiverse is based on imagination and language, are not examples of different universes already present in the consciousness of the human race? Every product of our imagination should then be considered real, but in other universes.

I’m flying one meter above a beach and its night. The sea is on the right and there are cliffs on the left. All over the place there grows dog-rose bushes and high dry grass. The only sources of light are the full moon, its reflection in the sea and the hundreds of light flies flying all around me. I'm carrying a crucifix around my neck and I'm on the way to the summer camp. In my delirium the summer camp became transformed into the Paradise.

The ability to be a visitor to different universes is therefore always constant and has always been. But this only if you consider our imagination as a gateway into another kind of realism. The closest we have today in experiencing different realities through technology are virtual worlds. Every time a user logs in to virtual world they are partaking of a different universe.

I’m standing at Diana’s grave inside a grove just beside a deserted and decayed house. I'm somewhere in a big city and in the horizon I can see a large bridge and skyscrapers. All of it equally deserted and decayed as the house. From my shoulder bag I extract a small bottle and pour its contents on her grave. She rises from the grave and her eyes are so alive. Suddenly something disappears in them and she starts to rot. Her body collapses and turn to ashes.

But even if our senses tell us otherwise we are conscious that these worlds are simulations and not the actual thing. This insight will stop us from experiencing the virtual worlds with the same catharsis that we can use in this reality. There is only one method of visiting different universes, which we use today, where we cannot distinguish the things we experience there from things we experience in reality.

I discover that the greatest truth ever known will be revealed to me if everyone in the world is dead besides me. This truth is so important that I decide to kill the entire human race. I do this individually and person after person dies by knife, gun, poison or strangulation. When the humans die by my hand the world starts to shrink. The universe, the sun, the planets, the continents disappear and the only thing left is a giant medieval castle without windows and exits. Mad after my bloodbath I roam this castle, until the day I cut myself on a rusty nail and die of blood poisoning. My soul glides through the wall to the afterlife. Imagine a totally hollow upside-down mesoamerican pyramid and in the bottom is the castle. There are an almost endless number of steps up to the surface and every step is full of people I killed. They are sitting there naked and screams madly, soaked in their own whitish shit. It's like a seagull colony. I'm crawling in what feels like an eternity up to the unknown surface. The stench is overpowering, the shit is everywhere and their screams are almost making me deaf. When I finally emerge to the surface I'm staring on a typical middleclass suburb with its small lawns neatly cut. But everything, even the sky and the trees are in different nuances of red and purple. There is not a single human present and the silence is total. This is the afterlife for the rich.

It is dreams that have the ability in fooling ordinary people to believe that the simulated reality, the dream, is the true reality. Therefore are dreams the oldest and for now the best way of visiting different universes within the multiverse."

A relevant comment about the soundwork. The male voice (italic texts) retells some of the artist's dreams.

From Hand to Mouth to Laser

"From Hand to Mouth to Laser" was an intervention/performance taking place in 2010 investigating the concept of charity in the real cash system based virtual world Planet Calypso but also part of the collaborative paper "Power to the gamer? Or The artist as an activist: intervention as a method to cast a critical eye on the concept of Planet Calypso" which the artist wrote together with art scholar Emma Ewadotter.

The paper was accepted and presented on the 11th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), in October21-23, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden and is available here: Power to the gamer? Or The artist as an activist: intervention as a method to cast a critical eye on the concept of Planet Calypso

Man Conquers Nature

This work from 2007 is based on the American conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth's work "Four Colors Four Words" from 1966. For Kosuth the task of art is to constantly question its own essence, in extensive analyses, to contribute to the clarification of the question of what art is. Art can then, according to Kosuth therefore not contain any statements about fact, external to art.

It was the discovery of this works, that was the starting point of "Man Conquers Nature".

"Man Conquers Nature" is constructed as a box of plexiglas. On the inside of the front part of the box a protein based nutrition solution has been applied in such a way that the solution spells out the words "MAN CONQUERS NATURE". The nutrion solution is in its original state transparent. In the solution I then planted spores of the mould species Aspergillus that for example grows on bread. The rest of the inside is painted with alcohol to prevent the mould from growing outside of the frame of nutrion. With a regular sparse application of moist, the mould developed mycelium in the nutrition solution. This made the words "MAN CONQUERS NATURE" visible.

Nothing is closer than pixels

Made in 2013. Love is great.

Paper Management

You are working in an endless office landscape. You lost your paper form. The paper form is very important, because it's a S03ZA. So important that you will get fired if you don't find it. You will get fired anyway, if the boss discovers that you have abandon your desk and in turn catches you. Published in 2017.

Paper Management_mac



Another machinima based on loop structures within the context of computergames, from 2011. This one is using material from the acclaimed game Mass Effect 2 showing the default male head-character John Shepard in conversation with one of the other team members; Thane Krios.

Awareness of loops that tries to illustrate human interaction within games leads to a similar perspective of human behaviour IRL, especially within conversations and other actions that can be overtaken by habits. Such an awareness can be considered as an antidote towards stagnation.

Reality Check

Machinima 14:23 min, 2008, a collaboration with Rasmus Albertsen, projected on a wall accompanied with the seperate sound of a Buddha Machine. Shown here without Buddha sound.

"Reality Check" is a machinima, a movie recorded inside a virtual world, captured inside Second Life. In this machinima two avatars are trying to discuss reality, from a real world and a digital world perspective, on a virtual island. The avatar Cyxos Hax takes the position of a natural science realist using falsifiability to falsify the possibility that Second Life is reality. On the other hand the avatar Bix Hax argues in favour for Second Life being reality using relativism and a postmodern perspective.

In the end the dialogue in the machinima turns into not being about Second Life being real or not, but about the right to create a subjective relative reality.

Excerpt from dialog:
-Truth is subjective, even in natural science. Science is based on persons and their private experiences, curiosity, inquiry and selectivity transforms the results. When two or more individuals agree upon an interpretation, they create a consensus. A consensus within a group may be perceived as the "truth" when it is in fact is a consensus reality. "Most people" are something I would consider a consensus.

-And a consensus may be related to the world but it is not "truth" in itself.

-This is a most delusional and cynical argument. It's one thing to say that I am wrong when everything is peace and quiet. But tell your views to me when I feel pain and see if a different perception of reality change the pain to pleasure.

-A good point and a point I can't ignore. No, I may not change that, because First Life may be a simulated reality but if there is a consensus of it being real, the simulated problems has real consequences for those involved.

Robot Presentations 1.0

Three conceptuell presentations from 2009 of the potential future use of robot technology based on traditional design presentations. The idea originated from speculations of assimilating autonomous robot technology with religious services, personal development and later on symbiotic states for benefiting a positive environmental development. Regarding the first two it is important to understand that different forms of technology always has been used in those contexts. Obvious examples is the human knowledge about rhythm, botanical substances and performative repetitions that among other things are powerful technologies created in relation to spirituality. Even religion in itself can be considered a technology if you follow the line of thought laid out by Noah Feldman. If all technology contains a possibility to be used in relationship with the sacred, then naturally robot technology also contains that future possibility. All three works are printed as rollup displays (on canvas) 205 x 85 cm.

Robot Presentations 2.0

Based on the three double-edged keywords evolution, faith and unity, that are constantly present in the context of what can be defined as spiritual development, these three conceptual presentations from 2010 uses the symbol of the humanoid robot as a way of investigating the relationship between technology, consciousness and the concept of the sacred. Printed on canvas (200x100 cm). The idea is based on a quote from futurist Ray Kurzweil's book "The age of spiritual machines":

"Just being-experiencing, being conscious-is spiritual, and reflects the essence of spirituality. Machines, derived from human thinking and surpassing humans in their capacity for experience, will claim to be conscious, and thus to be spiritual...Twenty-first-century machines-based on the design of human thinking-will do as their human progenitors have done-going to real and virtual houses of worship, meditating, praying, and transcending-to connect with their spiritual dimension."

- Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines, Penguin books, 1999, p. 153

Self Bot System

Inspired by artist such as Ken Rinaldo and Theo Jansen "Self Bot System" was constructed in 2007.

In "Self Bot System" two definitions tries to intermingle: the positivistic definition within immunology of the Self, and the relativistic definition within Buddhism of the same concept.

The definitions used are presented below:

”In Buddhism Anatta means non-self or non-soul. The Buddha repeatedly indicates that the five impermanent constituents of the living beings are ”not-self”: they are constantly interacting with one another and, therefore constantly changing one another. These five aggregates also interact with the universe around them, so, constantly change the universe as well. How then, can there be one permanent ontological and subjective self within us when the entire universe is impermanent?”

”Immunology is devoted to the problems of defining the characteristics of identity that distinguish individual organisms from those of similar kind, and describing the mechanisms that defend organisms from their predators. ”The Self” provides a ready and convenient metaphor for deciphering immune reactivity. In ”the Self”, host constituents are ignored by the immune system while ”the Other” - pathogens, foreign substances, altered host elements - are processed and destroyed. But this dominant model has recently been challenged, for the self is polymorphous and ill-defined.

The definitions were divided into phrases and feed into the program without any indications of which definition they belonged to. The programs purpose was then to reproduce the phrases, which are combined freely, but according to English grammatical rules.

"Self Bot System" contains of two parts, the robot-construction (Basic Stamp Technology) and a text containing the two definitions. The robot-construction is also provided with an ultrasonic sensor that constantly searches its surroundings within a radius of 1 meter.

If a person stand inside this area the construction starts combining phrases until the person leaves.

Examples on phrases and reproduction:
The first line in the first definition, ”In Buddhism Anatta means non-self or non-soul.”, can be separated into the phrases:

”In Buddhism””Anatta means” and ”non-self or non-soul”. Likewise can for example the second line in the second definitions, ”The Self provides a ready and convenient metaphor for deciphering immune reactivity.”, be separated into the phrases:

”The Self provides””a ready and convenient metaphor” and ”for deciphering immune reactivity”.

A combination of all the phrases can for example start like this:

”Anatta means a ready and convienient metaphor that defend organisms from their predators. In Buddhism the characteristics of identity are ignored by the immune system therefore constantly changing one another:”...

The purpose of this work was to receive a durable definition of the Self that on one hand could be personally used and on the other hand used as a reference in future works. A defined Self is a necessary starting point for a functioning ethical behaviour.

But a definition of a Self can also be a Non-Self and for relating to buddhistic thinking the definition was not documented, instead remaining ever changing. Remind us all on the difficulty in defining something so fleeting as the concept of the Self. "Self Bot System" is nevertheless limited by a scientific probability based on the size of the texts and the phrases ability to combine.


"Self Bot System", 27x17x10 cm, the paper is size A4, electronics, speaker, aluminium.